Nationalisms and Identity Children on Memorial Day, 1943. Source: Flickr, Public Domain Affiliated Faculty photo of Nigel Ashton LSE Faculty Nigel Ashton Professor, Department of International History Research Interest North America Europe Middle East and North Africa Religion Nationalisms and Identity Post-1945 Cold War photo of Marc David Baer LSE Faculty Marc David Baer Professor, Department of International History Research Interest Europe Middle East and North Africa Religion Nationalisms and Identity 1900-1945 photo of Antony Best LSE Faculty Antony Best Professor, Department of International History Research Interest East Asia Europe Intellectual and Cultural Nationalisms and Identity Ethnicity and Race 1900-1945 photo of Dina Gusejnova LSE Faculty Dina Gusejnova Assistant Professor Department of International History; Faculty Director, MA/MSc in International and World History Research Interest Europe Politics and Institutions Intellectual and Cultural Nationalisms and Identity 1900-1945 photo of Rashid Khalidi Columbia Faculty Rashid Khalidi Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies and Literature and Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies, Department of History Research Interest Middle East and North Africa Nationalisms and Identity Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Politics and Institutions Cold War 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Natasha J. Lightfoot Columbia Faculty Natasha J. Lightfoot Associate Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Latin America and the Caribbean Atlantic Africa Ethnicity and Race Migrations and Diasporas Nationalisms and Identity 19th Century photo of Celia Naylor Columbia Faculty Celia Naylor Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest North America Latin America and the Caribbean Ethnicity and Race Migrations and Diasporas Nationalisms and Identity Gender and Sexuality 19th Century 1900-1945 photo of Mae Ngai Columbia Faculty Mae Ngai Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest North America Ethnicity and Race Migrations and Diasporas Nationalisms and Identity 1900-1945 photo of Michael J. Witgen Columbia Faculty Michael J. Witgen Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest North America 18th Century Nationalisms and Identity Ethnicity and Race Politics and Institutions Affiliated Graduate Students Emma Prantner Master's Student Research Interest Nationalisms and Identity Language Development Europe Finland 19th Century Affiliated Dissertations Waging a Battle for the Living Wage: How New York and London confront inequality and their own limits in the modern eraBrothers and Businessmen: The Economic Ideology of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers, 1976-1991Different Tracks: The Development of High-Speed Rail in the United States and France, 1971-1983Forging “New Albion”: the St. Albans Raid, Confederation and the Exigency of Canadian Defense, 1864Falklands/Malvinas: The Conflicted Conflict – How British and Argentine newpapers constructed narratives of national identity for divided nations “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Shipowner” British single-ship companies, 1880-89A Question of Legality: 1998-1999 Danish Parliamentary Debates on Participation in NATO’s Operation Allied Force Mission in KosovoStrait-Collision Course: North Korean Refugee Assistance and the Community of HelpBecoming conscious of the Killing Fields: American representations of the Cambodian genocide in the age of Human Rights (1970-1990)Foreign Correspondents, 'Atrocity' Propoganda, and the Massacre of Badajoz (August 1936)Facing the franc-tireur: Contextualizing German counter-insurgency in the Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 and its theoretical aftermath“The Last Will Be the First” Fascist Imperialism and the Italian Arms Trade to Nationalist China: 1929-1937Menon Matters: Rediscovering the significant contributions of V.K. Krishna Menon to Diplomacy in the Cold War eraWriting the Nation: Lebanese Nationalism, Sect, and the Construction of Modernity in the Lebanese Christian Press during the French MandateBuilding Ethnicity: The evolution of Irish Cultural Centers in New York and London, 1960-1980Lebensraum and the American West: A comparison of Space in the works of Friedrich Ratzel and Frederick Jackson TurnerDeregulating Prosperity: A Comparative Analysis of Banking and Financial Services Regulatory Reform under Reagan and Thatcher China’s Prima Donna: The Politics of Celebrity in Madame Chiang Kai-shek’s 1943 U.S. TourBroadcasting Modernity: The Peace Corps and Educational Television in Colombia, 1963-1969‘The Other Germany’: Portrayal of the GDR in Dutch NewspapersRace, Public Policy and Philanthropy: The Development of Affirmative Action in Brazil 1940-2012"Middle Ages" Counterinsurgency: The Civilian Irregular Defense Group, the Montagnards, and U.S. Army Special Forces in Vietnam 1961-1964'Yentua Eka Hunu' (We Shall Not Pay Bad Debt): An Examination of Debt Management in Ghana, 1966-1976Transatlantic Rebelles: Mapping the First Decade of the Society of Woman GeographersEmiliano F.B. Mundrucu: Republican soldier, Atlantic revolutionary (1791-1863)Producing and Destroying Culture at the Center for Inter-American Relations: U.S. Cultural Diplomacy, Capitalism, and Latin American Art, 1967-1975The Politics of Dispersal: British immigration anxieties and the creation of a global Ugandan Asian diaspora (1967-1974)'We are not making a mountain out of a molehill': British development experts, Lake Victoria, and Owen Falls Dam, 1953-63'The last of the Moby Dicks': Norwegian and British Concern about Whale Extinction in Antarctica, 1914-1939The Two Faces of Mexico: Cold War and Third World Politics Under the Echeverría Administration, 1970-1976The Church of Ngo: Ngo Dinh Diem's Personalist Revolution and the Making of Alternative Nationalisms in the Republic of Vietnam, 1954-1963Fluid Notions of Belonging in a World of Overlapping Empires: Muhammad Bayram V in Cairo and the Riwāḳ al-Maghāriba (Maghribian Section) at Al-Azhar, 1879-1918An Appeal to the World Powers: The Transnational Korean Independence Movement in the United States and Europe, 1919-1922How King Cotton Built an Empire: The British Quest for Indian Cotton during the American Civil War EraA Third Language for the Third World: Black Theology and Latin American Liberation Theology in Dialogue, 1973-1986Vertigo: Disorientations Amidst New Aerial BattlefieldsThe giant net drawn: Interwar Narcotics Smuggling and International Police Cooperation"Guided both by compassion and common sense": How British Socio-Economic Anxieties and Imperial Ideals Created the KindertransportOther "Coloureds": Constructions of a Socio-Racial Category in Colonial Namibia under South African Rule, 1915-1939International 'Girl Trafficking' and Imperial Germany, 1880-1914Peace in Mind: Academia and Diplomacy at the International Studies Conference, 1928-1939Braceros Documentados: Visual Representations of Mexican Bracero Migrants in U.S. Media, 1954-1964Britain's 1975 Referendum on EEC Membership: National Interest Adjourned?Familiarising New Citizens: Ivorian Civil Code and Marriage Practices in Côte d'Ivoire in the 1960sParadoxical Policies: Adult Literacy Campaigns, Ideology and Politics of Language in Socialist Mozambique, 1976-1990 Protection Against Good Intentions: The Campaign to Ban Proxy Adoption, 1956-1961Competitive Disadvantages in U.S. Banking Policy: The Role of Glass-Steagall Legislation on Global Financial Landscapes, 1986-1999Welfare of the Weak: Dr. P.J. Mehta and the Fight for Improved Conditions for Indian Labour Migrants in Rangoon, 1899-1932I Pledge Allegiance to My Flag: The American-Turkish Claims Commission and the Contested Citizenship of Armenian-Americans in the Interwar PeriodFrançois Bernier's Travelogue and the Language of Imperial KnowledgePaginationPrevious page‹‹Next page››editediteditedit
photo of Nigel Ashton LSE Faculty Nigel Ashton Professor, Department of International History Research Interest North America Europe Middle East and North Africa Religion Nationalisms and Identity Post-1945 Cold War
photo of Marc David Baer LSE Faculty Marc David Baer Professor, Department of International History Research Interest Europe Middle East and North Africa Religion Nationalisms and Identity 1900-1945
photo of Antony Best LSE Faculty Antony Best Professor, Department of International History Research Interest East Asia Europe Intellectual and Cultural Nationalisms and Identity Ethnicity and Race 1900-1945
photo of Dina Gusejnova LSE Faculty Dina Gusejnova Assistant Professor Department of International History; Faculty Director, MA/MSc in International and World History Research Interest Europe Politics and Institutions Intellectual and Cultural Nationalisms and Identity 1900-1945
photo of Rashid Khalidi Columbia Faculty Rashid Khalidi Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies and Literature and Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies, Department of History Research Interest Middle East and North Africa Nationalisms and Identity Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Politics and Institutions Cold War 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Natasha J. Lightfoot Columbia Faculty Natasha J. Lightfoot Associate Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Latin America and the Caribbean Atlantic Africa Ethnicity and Race Migrations and Diasporas Nationalisms and Identity 19th Century
photo of Celia Naylor Columbia Faculty Celia Naylor Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest North America Latin America and the Caribbean Ethnicity and Race Migrations and Diasporas Nationalisms and Identity Gender and Sexuality 19th Century 1900-1945
photo of Mae Ngai Columbia Faculty Mae Ngai Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest North America Ethnicity and Race Migrations and Diasporas Nationalisms and Identity 1900-1945
photo of Michael J. Witgen Columbia Faculty Michael J. Witgen Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest North America 18th Century Nationalisms and Identity Ethnicity and Race Politics and Institutions
Emma Prantner Master's Student Research Interest Nationalisms and Identity Language Development Europe Finland 19th Century