Emilie Foyer

Emilie Foyer


Emilie graduated from Yale University in 2013 with a B.A. in History. Her senior essay dealt with the role of sporting magazines in the early conservation movement in the United States, and her coursework concentrated mostly on 20th century European and American History. While in college, Emilie spent her summers studying in Hakodate, Japan, Rome, Italy and interning at the National Museum of American History in Washington, DC. She also spent six months studying at Cambridge University where she took courses on both empires in world history and the history of the intelligence world. A chance encounter with Japanese history her junior year convinced her to spend the year following her graduation teaching English at a middle school in the rural prefecture of Tokushima, Japan as a member of the JET Program. Her research interests include but are not limited to imperialism and colonialism and Japanese and East Asian history.

Born and raised in the countryside of Normandy, France, when not reading books about history Emilie is an avid traveler, an enthusiastic photographer, and an occasional cook.