Didrik Dyrdal

Didrik Dyrdal


Didrik Dyrdal received his B.A. in history from the University of Oslo in 2012. During his undergraduate studies, Didrik spent a year at the University of Cambridge and served as an editor for the Norwegian history periodical Fortid (Past).

His M.A. dissertation (with distinction) examines an interwar debate in the United Kingdom and Norway about whaling’s impact on Antarctic whale populations. The dissertation tells the story of an early episode of popular and scientific concern about extinction, and the resulting scientific investigations to estimate the risk. It was published in Environment and History Volume 25, Number 1.

After graduating from the program, Didrik worked as a teacher before pursuing fiction writing. His first book, the short-story collection Atomdrømmer (Nuclear Dreams) was published in 2023, with hopefully more to follow.

He can be contacted at [email protected]