Anaïs Brémond

Anaïs Brémond


Originally from France, Anaïs Brémond moved to London in 2008 where she obtained her BA in Journalism (broadcast) and Contemporary History at Queen Mary and City University in 2011. She wrote her BA dissertation “Filming Subcultures: How did the Islandisation of West Berlin Shape its Independent Cinema (1977-1984) at Royal College Holloway with Prof. Rudolf Muhs as her advisor. After graduating she interned and worked as a researcher, production assistant and journalist at the BBC, Spectacle, Vice UK and Precious Media.

For her MA thesis she researched Brazilian radical educator Paulo Freire’s work in Portuguese Africa and assessed the results of adult literacy campaigns in independent Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique between 1975-1980. Her advisors were Prof. Mamadou Diouf at Columbia, and Prof. Tanya Harmer at LSE.