Social History Emmeline Pankhurst speaking at a Women's Social & Political Union. Source: LSE Library, Flickr - No known copyright restrictions Affiliated Faculty photo of Gergely Baics Columbia Faculty Gergely Baics Associate Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest North America Atlantic Social History Economic, Business, and Finance 19th Century photo of Ruth Barraclough Columbia Faculty Ruth Barraclough Korean Foundation Associate Professor of the Social Sciences, Department of History, Faculty Director, MA/MSc in International and World History Research Interest 1900-1945 Post 1945 East Asia Gender and Sexuality Cold War Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Social History photo of Elizabeth S. Blackmar Columbia Faculty Elizabeth S. Blackmar Mary and David Boies Professor of American History, Department of History Research Interest North America Social History Economic, Business, and Finance 19th Century Public Health and Medicine photo of Richard Bulliet Emeritus Richard Bulliet Professor Emeritus of History; Special Lecturer in History Research Interest Middle East and North Africa Asia Religion Economic, Business, and Finance Social History Science and Technology Pre-17th Century photo of Mark C. Carnes Columbia Faculty Mark C. Carnes Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest North America Social History 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of George A. Chauncey Columbia Faculty George A. Chauncey DeWitt Clinton Professor of American History, Department of History Research Interest North America Gender and Sexuality Intellectual and Cultural Social History 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Mamadou Diouf Columbia Faculty Mamadou Diouf Leitner Family Professor of African Studies Research Interest Africa Atlantic Latin America and the Caribbean Politics and Institutions Social History Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Intellectual and Cultural 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Ansley T. Erickson Columbia Faculty Ansley T. Erickson Associate Professor of History and Education, History & Educ, Teachers College Research Interest North America Education Ethnicity and Race Social History Post-1945 photo of Barbara J. Fields Columbia Faculty Barbara J. Fields Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest North America Ethnicity and Race War, Violence, and Genocide Social History 19th Century photo of Pierre Force Columbia Faculty Pierre Force Professor of French and Romance Philology, French & Romance Philology Research Interest Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Atlantic Intellectual and Cultural Economic, Business, and Finance Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Social History Pre-17th Century 17th Century 18th Century photo of Abosede George Columbia Faculty Abosede George Tow Associate Professor of History and Africana Studies, History, Barnard College Research Interest Africa Atlantic Politics and Institutions Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Gender and Sexuality Social History 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Frank A. Guridy Columbia Faculty Frank A. Guridy Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest North America Atlantic Latin America and the Caribbean Migrations and Diasporas Social History 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Tim Hochstrasser LSE Faculty Tim Hochstrasser Associate Professor, Department of International History Research Interest Europe Intellectual and Cultural Religion Social History 17th Century 18th Century photo of Martha C. Howell Emeritus Martha C. Howell Emeritus Miriam Champion Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Europe Social History Gender and Sexuality Economic, Business, and Finance Pre-17th Century 17th Century 18th Century photo of Robert P. Hymes Columbia Faculty Robert P. Hymes Horace Walpole Carpentier Professor of Oriental Studies, East Asian Langs & Cultures Research Interest East Asia Social History Intellectual and Cultural Religion Gender and Sexuality Pre-17th Century 17th Century photo of Thai S. Jones Columbia Faculty Thai S. Jones Lehman Curator for American History; Lecturer in History, Rare Book & Manuscript Library Research Interest North America Social History Environment Economic, Business, and Finance 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Ira I. Katznelson Columbia Faculty Ira I. Katznelson Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History; Distinguished Fellow for Columbia World Projects, Dept of Political Science Research Interest North America Europe Politics and Institutions Social History Intellectual and Cultural Ethnicity and Race 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Paul Keenan LSE Faculty Paul Keenan Assistant Professor, Department of International History Research Interest Russia and the former USSR Social History Intellectual and Cultural 18th Century photo of Adam J. Kosto Columbia Faculty Adam J. Kosto Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Europe Politics and Institutions Social History Law Pre-17th Century photo of N. Piers Ludlow LSE Faculty N. Piers Ludlow Professor, Department of International History Research Interest Europe Cold War Social History Post-1945 Politics and Institutions photo of Malgorzata Mazurek Columbia Faculty Malgorzata Mazurek Associate Professor of Polish Studies, Department of History Research Interest Russia and the former USSR Europe Social History Intellectual and Cultural Religion Cold War 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Stephanie McCurry Columbia Faculty Stephanie McCurry R. Gordon Hoxie Professor of American History in Honor of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Department of History Research Interest North America Gender and Sexuality War, Violence, and Genocide Social History Politics and Institutions 19th Century photo of Nara B. Milanich Columbia Faculty Nara B. Milanich Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest Latin America and the Caribbean Social History Gender and Sexuality Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Politics and Institutions 19th Century 1900-1945 photo of José C. Moya Columbia Faculty José C. Moya Adjunct Senior Research Scholar in the Institute of Latin American Studies, Inst of Latin American Studies Research Interest Latin America and the Caribbean Atlantic Migrations and Diasporas Social History Intellectual and Cultural Gender and Sexuality 19th Century 1900-1945 photo of Caterina L. Pizzigoni Columbia Faculty Caterina L. Pizzigoni Associate Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Latin America and the Caribbean Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Social History Gender and Sexuality 17th Century 18th Century photo of Samuel K. Roberts Columbia Faculty Samuel K. Roberts Associate Professor of History and of Sociomedical Sciences, Department of History Research Interest North America Public Health and Medicine Law Social History Politics and Institutions 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Simon M. Schama Columbia Faculty Simon M. Schama University Professor, Department of History Research Interest Europe Atlantic North America Intellectual and Cultural Social History Politics and Institutions 18th Century 19th Century photo of A. Tunç Şen Columbia Faculty A. Tunç Şen Assistant Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Middle East and North Africa Europe Social History Politics and Institutions Pre-17th Century 17th Century 18th Century photo of Neslihan Şenocak Columbia Faculty Neslihan Şenocak Associate Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Religion Intellectual and Cultural Social History Pre-17th Century photo of Kavita Sivaramakrishnan Columbia Faculty Kavita Sivaramakrishnan Associate Professor of Sociomedical Sciences, Department of Sociomedical Sciences Research Interest South Asia Public Health and Medicine Science and Technology Social History Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Post-1945 photo of Gagan D. S. Sood LSE Faculty Gagan D. S. Sood Associate Professor, Department of International History Research Interest South Asia Middle East and North Africa Social History Politics and Institutions 17th Century 18th Century photo of Michael Stanislawski Columbia Faculty Michael Stanislawski Nathan J. Miller Professor of Jewish History, Department of History Research Interest Europe Russia and the former USSR Middle East and North Africa Intellectual and Cultural Religion Social History 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945 photo of Rhiannon Stephens Columbia Faculty Rhiannon Stephens Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Africa Gender and Sexuality Social History 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century photo of Deborah Valenze Columbia Faculty Deborah Valenze Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest Europe Atlantic Gender and Sexuality Social History 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century photo of Marc Van De Mieroop Columbia Faculty Marc Van De Mieroop Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Middle East and North Africa Asia Politics and Institutions Social History Intellectual and Cultural Pre-17th Century photo of Madeleine H. Zelin Columbia Faculty Madeleine H. Zelin Dean Lung Professor of Chinese Studies, East Asian Langs & Cultures Research Interest East Asia Politics and Institutions Social History Economic, Business, and Finance Law 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century 1900-1945 Affiliated Graduate Students William Bi Master's Student Research Interest Social History 18th Century Yiqing Lin Master's Student Research Interest 18th Century Pre-17th Century East Asia Europe Intellectual and Cultural Science and Technology Social History Migrations and Diasporas Laura Smith Master's Student Research Interest Social History Affiliated Dissertations Excluding by Inclusion: Liminal Colonialism and Malleable Identities in Rural Colonial Korea during the Asia-Pacific War, 1937-1945A Nation at the Limits of State: The Colonial Heritage and International Reach of Naga Nationalism, 1945-1975Egypt and Her Inhabitants: Translation of the Science of Race in al-Muqtaṭaf, 1885-1907"Cheaper Than The Price Of War": British Power and the Future of Peacekeeping, 1960-1965Resistance Before the Retweet: The 'Global' Student Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1985-1988In Search of a Colonial Utopia, Danish Serampore, 1815-1845Satu Malaysia?: Missionary Schools and the Root of Tamil Marginalization in the Malaysian Education System, 1951-1957A Jewish "Collaborator" on Trial: The 1948 Dutch Execution of Anna van Dijk in the Courtroom and the PressThe Paris Peace Talks that Weren't: the failure of French mediation in the Vietnam War, 1964-66Strategic from All Sides: An Engineering, Military and Political History of the U.S.-Nicaraguan Interoceanic Canal, 1914-1946Within the Veins of the Nation: The Mechanics of Postal Surveillance and Censorship in Argentina, 1932-1938Piracy, Politics, and Political Philosophy: Jeffersonian Decision-Making and the Barbary Wars, 1785-1805Internationalisms in Conflict: Diaspora, Pan-Asianism and Indian Policy in the United Nations 1945-1948‘This is our world too’: Dorothy Kenyon and the international struggle for women’s rights, 1919-1950Modernism Came Flying: A Micro-history of Artistic Internationalism and Cultural Encounters in US-Chilean Relations, 1968Shaping the Elites: Experiences, Thoughts, and Identities of Chinese Students in the United States, 1900-1920Resurgence of the City: An Oral History on the Political Influence of London and RotterdamWorth Measuring: Standardising Value Through the United Nations System of National Accounts, 1947-1985"Ill Used by our Government": Rethinking the Impact of the Darien Venture on the Development of Political Opposition in Scotland (1695-1701)‘The Fact of Blackness’: Transitions in Knowledge and Power during the First Pan-African Psychiatry Conference, in Nigeria, 1961Claiming Palestine: Petitions, Violence, and Alternative Internationalisms Under the Mandate, 1922-1940Cabin Pressure: The Hijacking of Lufthansa Flight 181 in International PerspectiveConnected Continent: European Visions Towards Building a "Network of Networks," 1982-1993The Devil's Gift: Tobacco and the Fall of the Somers Isles Company, 1651-1700Wires, Waves, and War: Telecommunications in Brazil, 1914-1918Assassination and Terror: The U.S. Uses and Abuses of Ambassador Orlando Letelier, 1976-2015The Resolution of the ‘Mosul Question:’ Great Britain, the League of Nations, and the Construction of Modern Iraq, 1918-1925Pacific Destinies: The Asian People's Anti-Communist League (1953-1962) and the Anti-Communist Struggle in Asia PacificUsing the Old to Serve the Present, and the Foreign to Serve China: Chinese Nationalism and Chinese Identity in Cultural Revolution MediaIdentifying the ‘Indigenous’ in Imperial Discourses of International Law, 1880-1919The Making of International Institutions and International Subjects: A History of the International School of Geneva and Visva-Bharati, 1921-1951Logging Empire: "British" and "Spanish" Components in the Bay of Honduras and Mosquito Shore, 1729-1786The Emergence of Iranian "Feminism": Women's Journals, the Iranian Girl's School Movement, and Female Missionaries during Reza Shah's Modernization Reforms, 1921-1941In the Interest of Freedom-loving Peoples: The Soviet Union and the Emerging United Nations, 1942-1946Claiming Loyalty: The American Revolution and the American Loyalist Claims Commission, 1775-1790A Neglected Breakthrough: The Rhodes Armistice Negotiations and the Mediation of Ralph Bunche 1947-1949The "Judeo-Christian Tradition": The Crafting of a "Leitkultur" in Post-World War II GermanyConfronting the Killing Fields: Human Rights and the History of the ECCC, 1979-1993The U.S. Congress and the British Foreign Office During World War II"Every Courageous and Incisive Measure": The Participation of Jewish and African-American Women's Groups in the Anti-Communist Campaigns of the Crusade for Freedom, 1949-1960The Policisation of the West German Magazine stern, 1948-1959The Question of Siam's Independence: The Kra Canal and the Problem of India-China Connectivity, 1855-1897Beaten Tracks in Japan: Western Travelers Encounter a Changing Country, 1868-1899A Breach in the Special Relationship?: Reagan, Thatcher, and the American Invasion of Grenada, 1983Saddam’s Shields: The United States and Hostage-Taking During the First Gulf WarLines Between Water and Land: The Landing of Western Telegraphs in China, 1860-1887Gangs of Algiers: Integration and the French Army, 1955-1961The World is Watching: The International "Spotlight Effect" and the Politics of Memory in Prijedor and SrebrenicaCementing Control by Breaking Ground: Colonial Development at the Kariba and Cahora Bassa Dams, 1956-75Libelle and Margriet Lead the Way: Turning Dutch Women into Mrs. Consumer-Citizens in the Early Years of the Cold WarPaginationPrevious page‹‹Next page››editediteditedit
photo of Gergely Baics Columbia Faculty Gergely Baics Associate Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest North America Atlantic Social History Economic, Business, and Finance 19th Century
photo of Ruth Barraclough Columbia Faculty Ruth Barraclough Korean Foundation Associate Professor of the Social Sciences, Department of History, Faculty Director, MA/MSc in International and World History Research Interest 1900-1945 Post 1945 East Asia Gender and Sexuality Cold War Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Social History
photo of Elizabeth S. Blackmar Columbia Faculty Elizabeth S. Blackmar Mary and David Boies Professor of American History, Department of History Research Interest North America Social History Economic, Business, and Finance 19th Century Public Health and Medicine
photo of Richard Bulliet Emeritus Richard Bulliet Professor Emeritus of History; Special Lecturer in History Research Interest Middle East and North Africa Asia Religion Economic, Business, and Finance Social History Science and Technology Pre-17th Century
photo of Mark C. Carnes Columbia Faculty Mark C. Carnes Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest North America Social History 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of George A. Chauncey Columbia Faculty George A. Chauncey DeWitt Clinton Professor of American History, Department of History Research Interest North America Gender and Sexuality Intellectual and Cultural Social History 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Mamadou Diouf Columbia Faculty Mamadou Diouf Leitner Family Professor of African Studies Research Interest Africa Atlantic Latin America and the Caribbean Politics and Institutions Social History Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Intellectual and Cultural 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Ansley T. Erickson Columbia Faculty Ansley T. Erickson Associate Professor of History and Education, History & Educ, Teachers College Research Interest North America Education Ethnicity and Race Social History Post-1945
photo of Barbara J. Fields Columbia Faculty Barbara J. Fields Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest North America Ethnicity and Race War, Violence, and Genocide Social History 19th Century
photo of Pierre Force Columbia Faculty Pierre Force Professor of French and Romance Philology, French & Romance Philology Research Interest Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Atlantic Intellectual and Cultural Economic, Business, and Finance Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Social History Pre-17th Century 17th Century 18th Century
photo of Abosede George Columbia Faculty Abosede George Tow Associate Professor of History and Africana Studies, History, Barnard College Research Interest Africa Atlantic Politics and Institutions Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Gender and Sexuality Social History 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Frank A. Guridy Columbia Faculty Frank A. Guridy Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest North America Atlantic Latin America and the Caribbean Migrations and Diasporas Social History 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Tim Hochstrasser LSE Faculty Tim Hochstrasser Associate Professor, Department of International History Research Interest Europe Intellectual and Cultural Religion Social History 17th Century 18th Century
photo of Martha C. Howell Emeritus Martha C. Howell Emeritus Miriam Champion Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Europe Social History Gender and Sexuality Economic, Business, and Finance Pre-17th Century 17th Century 18th Century
photo of Robert P. Hymes Columbia Faculty Robert P. Hymes Horace Walpole Carpentier Professor of Oriental Studies, East Asian Langs & Cultures Research Interest East Asia Social History Intellectual and Cultural Religion Gender and Sexuality Pre-17th Century 17th Century
photo of Thai S. Jones Columbia Faculty Thai S. Jones Lehman Curator for American History; Lecturer in History, Rare Book & Manuscript Library Research Interest North America Social History Environment Economic, Business, and Finance 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Ira I. Katznelson Columbia Faculty Ira I. Katznelson Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History; Distinguished Fellow for Columbia World Projects, Dept of Political Science Research Interest North America Europe Politics and Institutions Social History Intellectual and Cultural Ethnicity and Race 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Paul Keenan LSE Faculty Paul Keenan Assistant Professor, Department of International History Research Interest Russia and the former USSR Social History Intellectual and Cultural 18th Century
photo of Adam J. Kosto Columbia Faculty Adam J. Kosto Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Europe Politics and Institutions Social History Law Pre-17th Century
photo of N. Piers Ludlow LSE Faculty N. Piers Ludlow Professor, Department of International History Research Interest Europe Cold War Social History Post-1945 Politics and Institutions
photo of Malgorzata Mazurek Columbia Faculty Malgorzata Mazurek Associate Professor of Polish Studies, Department of History Research Interest Russia and the former USSR Europe Social History Intellectual and Cultural Religion Cold War 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Stephanie McCurry Columbia Faculty Stephanie McCurry R. Gordon Hoxie Professor of American History in Honor of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Department of History Research Interest North America Gender and Sexuality War, Violence, and Genocide Social History Politics and Institutions 19th Century
photo of Nara B. Milanich Columbia Faculty Nara B. Milanich Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest Latin America and the Caribbean Social History Gender and Sexuality Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Politics and Institutions 19th Century 1900-1945
photo of José C. Moya Columbia Faculty José C. Moya Adjunct Senior Research Scholar in the Institute of Latin American Studies, Inst of Latin American Studies Research Interest Latin America and the Caribbean Atlantic Migrations and Diasporas Social History Intellectual and Cultural Gender and Sexuality 19th Century 1900-1945
photo of Caterina L. Pizzigoni Columbia Faculty Caterina L. Pizzigoni Associate Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Latin America and the Caribbean Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Social History Gender and Sexuality 17th Century 18th Century
photo of Samuel K. Roberts Columbia Faculty Samuel K. Roberts Associate Professor of History and of Sociomedical Sciences, Department of History Research Interest North America Public Health and Medicine Law Social History Politics and Institutions 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Simon M. Schama Columbia Faculty Simon M. Schama University Professor, Department of History Research Interest Europe Atlantic North America Intellectual and Cultural Social History Politics and Institutions 18th Century 19th Century
photo of A. Tunç Şen Columbia Faculty A. Tunç Şen Assistant Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Middle East and North Africa Europe Social History Politics and Institutions Pre-17th Century 17th Century 18th Century
photo of Neslihan Şenocak Columbia Faculty Neslihan Şenocak Associate Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Religion Intellectual and Cultural Social History Pre-17th Century
photo of Kavita Sivaramakrishnan Columbia Faculty Kavita Sivaramakrishnan Associate Professor of Sociomedical Sciences, Department of Sociomedical Sciences Research Interest South Asia Public Health and Medicine Science and Technology Social History Empires, World Orders, and Post-Colonial Post-1945
photo of Gagan D. S. Sood LSE Faculty Gagan D. S. Sood Associate Professor, Department of International History Research Interest South Asia Middle East and North Africa Social History Politics and Institutions 17th Century 18th Century
photo of Michael Stanislawski Columbia Faculty Michael Stanislawski Nathan J. Miller Professor of Jewish History, Department of History Research Interest Europe Russia and the former USSR Middle East and North Africa Intellectual and Cultural Religion Social History 19th Century 1900-1945 Post-1945
photo of Rhiannon Stephens Columbia Faculty Rhiannon Stephens Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Africa Gender and Sexuality Social History 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century
photo of Deborah Valenze Columbia Faculty Deborah Valenze Professor, History, Barnard College Research Interest Europe Atlantic Gender and Sexuality Social History 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century
photo of Marc Van De Mieroop Columbia Faculty Marc Van De Mieroop Professor of History, Department of History Research Interest Middle East and North Africa Asia Politics and Institutions Social History Intellectual and Cultural Pre-17th Century
photo of Madeleine H. Zelin Columbia Faculty Madeleine H. Zelin Dean Lung Professor of Chinese Studies, East Asian Langs & Cultures Research Interest East Asia Politics and Institutions Social History Economic, Business, and Finance Law 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century 1900-1945
Yiqing Lin Master's Student Research Interest 18th Century Pre-17th Century East Asia Europe Intellectual and Cultural Science and Technology Social History Migrations and Diasporas